Friday, January 4, 2008

cleaning out the camera and cranky baby!

I decided to clean out our other camera and thought I would share some of the photos. In other news, Miss P has not been herself the past few days. She has her first tooth coming in (it is almost there...) and i think she is just not feeling her joyful self. She cries when we put her down, fusses when I leave her ( I'm just leaving the room or her sight) and is not sleeping well.....I miss my happy go lucky baby! not to mention the Hubbs and I have to go back to work Monday after a two week break which means Miss P will be going back to her Daycare, I am concerned about her adjusting back into our workday routine.....hopefully that tooth will push all the way up in the next day or two and she will be feeling better. We still have our joyful times are some pics!


Carissa said...

Awww what great pictures!

KelleyO said...

Come on new tooth! Great pictures! Love the "Born to shop" tshirt.

Jen said...

What a beautiful Santa!

Jake and Taryn said...

Miss P is looking adorable as always! I am so sorry to hear she is not feeling well. I hope her tooth comes in soon too and that she will be back to her self!! She is such a doll!

stollmyheart said...

I LOVE the photos, especially the last one...she's such a cutie! I hope she did well going back to daycare! It was hard enough for me to get back into the swing of things!

R&H said...

OMG That pink sweater and pink tights outfit is the sweetest thing! She is such a beautiful little girl.