Monday, July 13, 2009


I love it when......You shout out the colors of the traffic lights. This is something new you just started and not only is it super helpful to mommy it is also pretty darn cute!

I was sick all day yesterday with the tummy flu and you were such a good girl. You brought brown bear and came and snuggled with me for awhile

Frosted flakes for dinner? yep when mommy is sick, if you want frosted flakes then frosted flakes it is!
You wanted this PopTart so badly for breakfast this morning. IF only you would have tried it, you would have found out how wonderfully delicious they are!

You were in such a great mood today. It is harder to get pictures of you though ( I wish you would just help me out...mommy has a hard enough time taking a decent picture, I am the first to admit my photography skills could use a little help)

1 comment:

Samantha Groves said...

nice pictures paige. i love them.