Saturday, January 19, 2008


I am amazed by all the great advice I received regarding Miss P's eczema. Thank you all so much for your comments. P went to the Pediatrician for her 6 mo immunizations(she is finally caught up now at 9mo;) She is still only 16lbs. We talked alot out Paige's skin problems and it sounds as if we are doing everything we should be doing. There are not any magical cures out there...darn!! We have been doing the bath and lotion on within 3 minutes to lock in the moisture. I ordered the Arbonne Nutrimin C RE9 that was recommended on one of the comments and it just came today so I am excited to give it a try! The tooth is still working its way in, though we can see it much better now. She is so much fun right now. She is really starting to show her personality and is jabbering up a storm. She is so funny, whenever we say" eye,yie,yie" she puts her little hands on her head. She is shaking her head no, no and if you ask her if she has a bad cough she will "drama" cough for you. I am not sure how this started but it is pretty silly. Thanks again for all the advice!!
Here a short little video, I tried to catch her eye,yie,yie.


Carissa said...

She is so cute! I think I heard it once!

Anonymous said...

She's just adorable!!! I love her no's!!!

I forgot to mention and don't know if anyone else did but my kids' eczema always flared when they were teething or getting sick. So maybe things will work themselves out when her new tooth finally breaks?

Michelle said...

That video was too cute! She is so sweet and so full of personality;)

stollmyheart said...

SO cute! Hope her poor little skin clears up soon!

Jake and Taryn said...

She is so adorable!!! She is the cutest little thing ever! :)