Sunday, January 27, 2008

One year ago today......

I posted my first blog went like this........

Two years ago I never would have imagined that I would be creating an adoption journal . Even though we began this journey five months ago, I have been apprehensive to start our blog, call it superstition.....but this is really beginning to feel real....we are going to be blessed with a baby girl from Vietnam. We can't predict exactly when, but we are alot closer than we were five months ago! We are entering the final stretch. I am creating this blog for our family, friends and fellow adoptive parents to follow our journey.. all the ups, downs and that much anticipated time when we finally travel to Vietnam to bring our daughter home. I will not profess to be an eloquent writer, but I am a pro at the run-on sentence!!! There may be days when my posts are less than interesting, as there have been many days throughout this journey that it seems as if nothing is happening, but keep reading because there will be that one day when we get the word that we have a baby girl!

It is hard to believe that one year ago we had just completed our dossier and were waiting for our 171H approval. This journey has been such an amazing experience and it just gets better and more interesting everyday with our little sweetie.

I have to admit I have been struggling with my blog lately. I read several blogs daily that are so interesting and fun.....some post weekly goals, recipes, book reviews and are just funny and entertaining. I know that my blog is really not that creative or entertaining and I have given some serious thought to what direction I want to go. I could certainly post a weekly goal, I read a lot of books I could write about, recipes could be a struggle;) and I am really not that witty or that great of a writer.. so what to do?? I started this blog to document our journey to Paige and I really feel I want to keep this blog as a journal for her. So it looks as if it will be more of the same....Miss P stories as well as some family stuff and of course pictures. This will probably mean some sporadic entries as not every day is journal worthy, but I am going to make a point to post at least once a week (how about that, a goal!) even if nothing exciting is going on I will at least post a couple pictures(no shortage of those!) As of today we have had 21,949 people visit our blog! Thanks to those of you who follow along regularly and leave such nice comments.

Now for some current news.....
Miss P entered double digits yesterday! yes, she is 10 months old. She is still not crawling and is finally getting to the point where we can put her on her tummy without her throwing a major Diva fit. Her upper body is getting very strong and she seems to be getting the idea of what she should be doing. I don't think it will be long. We are of the belief from the "vibe" that we got from her Orphanage caregivers that she was held ALOT! I don't think she spent much time at all on her tummy, if at all. She couldn't even lift her head off the floor when we got her. So we are slowly making progress. Her pediatrician keeps telling us not to be concerned, she is on track with every else she should be doing at this age.I figure as soon as she starts crawling she will want to be on the move so I am enjoying all of the holding I can get in now!! Her first tooth is in and it looks like another one is on its way. We are still battling skin issues and I have switched her to Soy formula to see if that makes any difference.

It has been such a great weekend, my Hubb got me a housekeeper for Christmas. She will come on Friday and get the house all spiffy so I don't have to worry about cleaning on the weekends. This was her first Friday and let me just say "I can get used to this!!" It was really nice to come home on Friday afternoon to a nice clean house! We are having a snow storm here in Central Oregon(hoping for a snow day tomorrow) so I got a few cute pictures in the snow and few others just hanging out during the last week.


Kate said...

Happy Blog'iversary!!!

Blogs are hard to keep going...I know!!! I've changed, edited, revamped, madeover..mine several times. As long as you keep posting photos of that beautiful Miss P, we'll be perfectly happy!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the snow pics! Congrats on 1 year of blogging.

Jane ::: Ethni Photography said...

Hi there! I found your blog on! I'm a photographer in Bend that's offering free portrait sessions for families who have adopted in the last year--I'd love to take photos of your family if you're interested. Your daughter is beautiful! Congratulations on your adoption! My email is

KrisJ said...

I have to say I love coming to your blog I love reading about P and see her beautiful pics along with the fam you have a beautiful family. So keep up the good work!

Kelly said...

I also love reading about Miss P and seeing what she is up to, so keep up the good work.

stollmyheart said...

I was a little scared that you were going to call it quits with the blog! I'm happy to read you are going to keep it up! I check in all of the time and as you know, live and breathe for the beautiful photos of all of the babies! Congrats on the one year mark! It's hard to believe how fast time flies isn't it!?!

Here's hoping to another amazing year!

Julie said...

I love the photos and updates on Miss P! I hope you got your snow day!

Kristin said...

OMG...I'm pretty sure the picture of the pretty pink bunny in the snow all by herself is probably one of the cutest pictures I have ever seen...ever...

I love checking in and seeing all the great photos! Keep up the great work!

Jake and Taryn said...

Congratulations!! She looks like she was worth every second of the wait!! Miss P is absolutely adorable and I enjoy checking in to see what she is up to!! You always have her dressed SO cute too!!

Michelle said...

OMG! That picture of her in the snow in her pink snowsuit is ADORABLE! I love visiting your blog, as long as there are pics of your sweet Miss. P, there will be lots of visitors:)