Saturday, February 9, 2008

our week in pictures

If you look closely you can see the little tooth!
Since I last wrote P has grown another tooth. She now has one on the top and one on the bottom with two more close behind. My mom came for visit. We hadn't seen her since we brought Paige home. It is unfortunate that during the time she was here P was not her normal sweet little self, she was working on the teeth and was pretty cranky, but I think they had a nice time getting to know each other again. We had another visit to the photographer's studio(I joined a baby's first year club) It went much better this time. I haven't seen the photos yet so I am excited to see how they turned out. I am looking forward to connecting with a local Photographer who found us. She is part of the Celebrating Adoption campaign. I hope to have Jane (her pictures are AMAZING!) take P's first year pictures.If you are not familiar with this program
check it out and there just may be a photographer in your area who participates.

Well, another week has slipped by, it was busy with school conferences and P coming down with a cold . Here are several pictures taken over the last 10 days.


Jake and Taryn said...

Oh Paige is just SO gorgeous!! She really is! I love seeing what she is up to and of course how cute you always have her dressed!!

Anonymous said...

Miss P is so cute :)

stollmyheart said...

Great pics! Ella has the same pink Converse!

Anna said...

She just gets cuter and cuter, if that is at all possible. Love the blog!

Michelle said...

I am loving the pic of them all snuggled up in the blanket, you have such happy kids... both the two and four legged variety!

Lori, Gilbert & Ethan said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures! If I had my way you could post pictures of her cute little face every day!

Anna said...

You've been tagged!!