Sunday, January 13, 2008

still waiting....and iching and scratching

How long does it take for one little tooth to come in?? It has been so long since I have dealt with teething. The little bugger has broken through ,but doesn't seem to be making any progress. On top of this poor P is suffering from some bad skin issues. I have written a few times about our battle with eczema, it is so much worse now than it has ever been. I spent some time online trying to find a natural product we can use but there doesn't seem to be anything out there. It seems like grandma must have cooked something up on her stove to soothe before we had all these chemicals! I will be making a call to another dermatologist tomorrow who specializes in infants. Yeck, she could be suffering from somthing other than or as well as the eczema for all I know! The first week back on our workday routine went well. She likes going to her daycare so she handled it pretty well. She has been really clingy this weekend though. Anyone have any suggestions regarding teething or eczema??


Anonymous said...

For eczema, most of all I'd try to find her triggers. It could be allergy (environmental or food). I had a son who had such bad eczema I literally could not use any soap product including detergent until he was several years old (and now I can only use liquid detergent that is free of perfumes and dyes). Or it could just be the dry winter air if your heat is on. Addison used to have WICKED eczema until we moved to warm, humid Houston! She hasn't had it since! If your environment is a lot different than Vietnam, that may be your culprit right there. Either way, most derms don't really want to spend a lot of time looking for the reason for the eczema - they skip to the treatment portion which is fine but for long term avoidance, doing a little detective work can go a long way.

To soothe her try the soak-and-seal bath. Here's directions:

If you want something more natural, you can mix a soothing oil like almond oil with beeswax and pour it into a (glass, sterile) babyfood jar and use that in place of petroleum-based products. Email me if you want more ideas.

Mer (Lulu's Mommy) said...

Ok, you probably aren't going to like my suggestion (for you to research) for Miss P on her excema. But, if you give it a chance, you might surprise yourself.

Milk. Remove all milk products or products that contain Casein.

here are some links to substaniate this. I will tell you that most doctors will tell you to try this last, but why not first?

Eczema - Excema Treatments - Skin Problems

My daughter has had severe excema from birth. Eliminating all milk and milk by-products (Casein and Whey) and be careful of products containing margerine as sometimes they don't list the whey..... all of her excema disappears..... Only two margerines at the moment are completely dairy free so do your research.
Good Luck - Tracy, NY


However recent findings show that a common cause of eczema is Casein (from milk) - known as milk protein allergy. Another common cause of eczema is Gluten (from wheat, rye, barley and oats), know as Gluten intolerance.


I do get terrible eczema from my food allergies. I've been tested allergic to many things and I have no eczema problems as long as I avoid those things. I eat even a small amount and it flares up. The itch is incredible. There's no other way to describe it. I've scratch myself until I dripped blood because the pain felt better than the itch. It's debilitating. Tar ointment helps a little. Cortizone steroids don't work after awahile. Basically just staying clean and moisturized is the only thing to help flare ups. Putting ice on the burning and itching can numb it at times.

I would find a "registered dietitian" to help you.

I only bring you this recommendation as my nephews and sister have food sensitivities. What this means is NOT that you eat something and you get a rash right away, but that you eat it and it "gets into your system" almost like a XR med versus a non extended release.

Many who are allergic to casien are also allergic to soy. (If you ask on APV peeps will tell you that Asians are more apt to this kind of allergy than caucasians, though I do not know it to be true or untrue...)

There are lots of books on excema and diets Ii just looked some up on amazon.

Sorry so long, good luck.

Kelly said...

Wow! You got some great advice. I hope something works to soothe her skin. She is so precious! Teething was really hard with Lucy. Her last 4 teeth have just finally broken through. I think we are done until 2 year molars. I am very exciting, to say the least.

Heather Field said...

I know nothing about helping eczema, but for teething, I would try Hylands Teething Tablets (all natural) and let her chew on a frozen waffle or a frozen damp washcloth. OH, and BTW, she is continues to get cuter with each post!

Jake and Taryn said...

Wow! You have really gotten some great advice. I don't know that I have any BIG advice like the others, but I have a friend who has really bad eczema and she said when she sleeps with a humidifier she doesn't break out, but if she even goes one night without having it is right back to itching eczema. I don't know if that is something you would like to try, but it worked for her.

I would also try baby orajel on Miss P's gums. Right before I got my Wisdom teeth out they were giving me lots of pain. My Mom got me some and told me to try it. It immediately numbed the area and I was pain free.

Despite all of these yucky things, Miss Paige is still looking adorable as always!! :) Good Luck!

Carissa said...

Poor thing! I have severe psoriasis (dermatologist said in his 25+ years of practice on of the worst cases he has seen) and I understand her pain. I wish I could tell you something to help but no one has been able to help me. I hope the suggestions that you got help! Good luck! She is still adorable!

stollmyheart said...

Well, I don't have much to offer for advice. I actually get very mild eczema in winter too and my doc. said to take fish oil and a probiotic...not sure if that would work for a little one though. Sorry she's so miserable! Hang in there Paige!

Anonymous said...

My kids all get eczema to one degree or another, and the one thing I've found that has helped them all (even the oldest who gets it really bad) is Arbonne's anti-aging (RE9, maybe? in an orange tube, anyway) body lotion. I'd also try eliminating milk and/or fabric softeners/harsh laundry detergents. And the humidifier is a good call, too.

Little Things said...

We use Eucarin lotion for my daughter's (fairly mild) eczema. Our pediatrician recommended it, and it really helps.

I'll second the recommendation for Hyand's teething tablets. I know it's stocked at the Ray's on 14th/Century Drive.

Kristi said...

I use Eczema Soothe by Green Woman Herbs. I buy it online. It has organic products in it, olive oil, mallow, comfrey, calendula, hemp seed oil, borage seed oil, beeswax, lavender and blue chamomile essential oils and vitamin E.

Cyndi said...

I was wondering if you could e-mail me and let me know the agency that you guys used for Vietnam my e-mail is Thanks for your help.

Sharon said...

I would try . It's pure, organic, and raw. Read the ingrediants and you will actually know what they are unlike most everything else. It has worked wonders on my daughter's skin. Instantly.

Daissy said...

There are a wide range of healing oils and natural eczema treatment that will not only calm down your swelling, rash and itchiness but it will cleanse the skin, getting to the root of the excema problem. You can try chamomile cream and Evening primrose oil.

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